Monday, December 31, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Madrassas in New York
I could not believe my eyes when they fell upon an article that was written by Atlas Shruggs. Indeed, there is a Madrassa in New York State, and no one is saying a word. The reason people should have been out of sorts is because this is a public school. Where is the Anti-Christian Legal Union (in referrance to the American Communist Legal Union)?
It appears this is not the first case of religious discrimination either. They have been trying this all over the country! With Saudi money I would imagine.
It is a good thing that Atlas Shruggs has operatives all over the country as well. Please visit the site (the article I'm referring to is in the link to Atlas Shruggs), and become educated with this. It is obvious that the dinosaur media will never grow the backbone it requires to admit they are Americans first, journalists second. We will never hear a peep about this.
Thank you, Atlas Shruggs. Keep up the great work.
Labels: bloggers, madrassas, terrorist/ism, USA
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Ziba Kazemi: A Play in Memory
Zahra (Ziba) Kazemi was murdered four years ago this July 10th by Iranian Guards. They have not yet released her body, nor shall they ever, I fear. Her son, Stephen Hachemi, is still trying in mourning. He is trying to get her remains moved to Canada so that she may be near him. Here is an article that was written only a little while after her murder. For more information about her, you will find it here. This will help those of you who are following this case to keep up with the news about her. (Hat tip to Serendip for the links and some info. Thank you.)
The reason I have given you this background is because a fried of mine, Winston, has sent me a play which is going to perform in Canada only six times. That is the only chance we will have to see it. It is truly a must see.
I realize it is rather far for some of you, but I expect my Canadian friends to go. Please, send me a review. I would very much appreciate. Thank you, and have a nice day.Dear Friends,
I am very pleased to invite you to visit our latest production: Ashes to Ashes, from Nobel Prize winner playwright: Harold Pinter.
Our adaptation is dedicated to the memory of Canadian/Iranian photojournalist Zahra (Ziba) Kazemi, who was brutally killed behind the prison walls.
The show will be part of SummerWorks Theatre Festival and will have only 6 runs on the following dates at the Tarragon Theatre's mainspace:Our artistic team includes: Gemini Award winner Brenda Bazinet (actress), NTS' graduate Sam Malkin (actor) and NTS' directing program's student V. Rahbani (designer & director).
- Friday August 3rd 6:00 pm
- Saturday August 4th 1:30 pm
- Sunday August 5th 12:00 pm
- Tuesday August 7th 9:00 pm
- Friday August 10th 6:00 pm and
- Sunday August 12th 7:30 pm
For more details please click on the poster.
You really shouldn't miss this!
Levon Haftvan
Artistic Director
Lemaz Productions
Labels: Canada, injustice, Iran, justice, murder(ed), rape, torture
Great news about John Doe's from Washington
Here is great news for us all. The Senate had taken out of the bill that is supposed to protect those who report suspicious behavior the protection from being sued. While in Conference, some people really stood up for America. See, what the Senate wanted to do was allow us to be sued by CAIR or any individual if they were acting suspicious, we reported it, but they turned out to be no threat. (How do they tell?) Can you say, "Dry run"?
This legislation was brought about by the Flying Imams (6 of them) in Denver who were reported as acting suspiciously before and while they were on the flight. They were removed from the plane, and now they want to sue us. Hence the term, John Doe's. They want to sue the people who reported them as a way of shutting up the public so the next time, they will no problems committing their heinous acts.
A person could lose their entire life savings by reporting such a person, but the Democrats did not care. They wanted to please their base; the trial lawyers. We've won this far. Keep the pressure on them by calling toll free: 1-866-340-9281. Thank you.

(Washington, D.C.): The Center for Security Policy is gratified that its efforts, those of innumerable bloggers, radio talk show hosts and other public-minded citizens translated into an important legislative victory late last night. Thanks to the leadership of Sens. Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins, the chairman and ranking minority member, respectively, of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and especially that of Rep. Pete King, Sen. Collins’ counterpart on the House Homeland Security Committee, legislation along the lines of that adopted by an overwhelming bipartisan majority of the House of Representatives last May at Rep. King’s initiative will shortly become law.
The language will provide protection against the sorts of harassment lawsuits filed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) after several unidentified individuals reported six Muslim imams engaged in suspicious – and frightening – behavior prior to boarding a USAir flight in November 2006. CAIR has been identified as a front organization for the Muslim Brotherhood and is an un-indicted co-conspirator in an alleged terrorism-financing plot.
Center President Frank Gaffney said on learning of this extraordinary development:
Thanks to courageous, principled and tenacious efforts by key legislators like Rep. King and Sens. Lieberman and Collins, the American people are going to be free to do their part in the War for the Free World – serving as indispensable eyes and ears for those trying to protect us against terrorism – without fear that the likes of CAIR will be suing them for doing so.
We are extremely grateful to these lawmakers and also to members of the Democratic leadership who opposed such efforts, but eventually relented in the face of an outpouring of public demands that the King amendment be enacted into law. We are even more appreciative of the efforts made by all those who helped alert the public to the need to engage so directly and, ultimately, so decisively.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Great Iranian Blogger reveals CAIR wannabe's
This is horrendous. If there is hunger in the world? Blame America. If there is a flood in the world? Blame America. If there is torture, stoning, raping, murder, or any other criminal offence in Iran? Blame America?!
Serendip has written a very worthy and timely article about National Iranian American Council (NIAC). They are supposedly a human rights group, but Iran has used this trick before. They know what will move public opinion, unlike some people we know, and they use it against us.
Who could say human rights is not a good cause? From these people, ME! How dare they come onto our soil, go into our Congress, and try to persuade them to relieve Iran from the sanctions. Do you know why? BECAUSE THEY ARE WORKING!
Please stop over at Serendip's blog, and read about this. They are as bad as CAIR, if not worse. We must be louder and more active than these make believe groups. They are not civil rights groups. They are beholden to the Ayatollah Khomeini. Don't ever forget that.
Labels: bloggers, civil rights, Iran, terrorist/ism
Bush Discusses War on Terror in South Carolina
I am putting the whole speech here, because I have not heard a word about this except that it is supposed to be good and no one is going to read it because there are more important things happening. Don't you know? There was another debate--yawn--and some chick got arrested for drunk driving.
I see. And when the President of the United States gives a speech on the state of the war that the jihadists have waged against us, this is potato chips? Nothing? That is why I took up so much space. If they do not be careful, I'll start printing everything over at the White House! I may be picking it apart with great joy or sorrow, but at least someone will know what is going on around here. (Over at Rosemary's Thoughts and DoD Daily News-2.)
Labels: Pres Bush, terrorist/ism, Troops, USA, WWIV
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Duncan to appear at Freedom Concert in San Diego
If you are going to the Freedom Concert in San Diego on the 26th of July, you may run into Congressman Duncan Hunter who will be making a special appearance! If you haven't already, you may get your tickets from here.
It would be great if you could come early and stop by Duncan's San Diego Headquarters. It would very nice if we could show him our gratitude for the fence that he DID get up, and also show support for his campaign. You could also wear a Hunter for President t-shirt! They are only $30 or a cap which is $20.
I hope everyone has a very great time. Remember, the true reason for this concert is to honor our Fallen Angels and their children. Don't let these politics or politicians get in the way of that!
However, for more information about Duncan Hunter, please call the office at 619-463-3896. GO HUNTER!
Labels: children, donate, Fallen Angels, honor
Monday, July 23, 2007
Blackfive's Video Potpourri
This first video will last 4:05, and I'm not quite sure if they rescued one of the guys being held or if he was one of the insurgence. Maybe you could help me understand? The name of this clip is "Operation Ithaca - The Fight." (Do not worry. You will not be seeing anything gross.)
In this next clip comes the answer to my question! This clip is 7:59, and the title of it is "Operation Ithaca - Interview." They were successful in this mission, killing 29 and capturing 23 of the enemy. They also rescued 8 hostages who were about to be executed on the day of the mission. Whew! That was close.
This clip is 3:11, and it's title is "AH-64 and C-130 Engage Insurgents." Five insurgents are killed in this one by none other than our USAF! Great job, guys. :)
These next two clips sort of go together, if not by nature then by name. This one is 32 seconds long, and the title is "Crispy Terrorists on the July 14th Menu." It is almost like watching a silent movie, except it is real life...or death to the terrorists as I like to put it. The next clip is titled "Crispy Terrorists on the July 15th Menu" and lasts for 58 seconds.
And to say that the last one is the least one would be an incredibly wrong assumption! This young lady sends it home as to why a Soldier would serve. Here she tells us why she serves. Why I Serve - SSG Shannon Fezer. This clip only lasts for 1:02, yet I wish it were longer. It is people such as she who make me proud to be an American. If you cannot understand this genuine concept, please don't tell me. I don't care if you're a nutjob, just don't prove it on my site! :)
I received these videos through my subscription. You may also subscribe if you wish. You may do so by clicking here. Have a great day, and remember our men and women in uniform who are protecting this freedom for you to have such a day. Maybe you could even send up a prayer or two...
1st Cav Soldiers Sing Toby Keith's "Beer For My Horses"
There is just no way I could let this one slide by! LOL. Blackfive has captured the essense of the fighting spirit in this clip. I love this song by Toby Keith!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Must hear radio streaming tonight
Tonight the Pundit Review Radio is going to host two guests that you won't want to miss! First, we will have an opportunity to hear Buzz Patterson speak a little bit about his new book, "War Crimes."
Then they will no one other than the magnificant Mark Steyn! He is a great author, blogger, reporter, and so much more. I love his British accent, too. lol. This is a must hear radio program tonight.
You will be able to listen to it through a stream, but I recommend you get there early. Also, if you are not already registered, it is free. Just go ahead and register.
It is from 7-10 pm EST (4-7 pm PCT) tonight. The station is WRKO 680am. Check out Kevin and Gregg's site too while you're at it. These guys are fantastic and they are good friends. Please listen in tonight. I am waiting for the call-in number. As soon as I have it, I will post it. Have a great time! :)
Kites are introduced to Afghani children; loving it!
This is one of those stories that touched my heart so warmly. Many people look at our Soldiers and see only brutes or men ready to kill you if you look at them wrongly. This is the furthest from the truth. They do not understand the ROE (Rules of Engagement). Many people have no idea about life in the military, this is the story for you.
Let me see if I find just one paragraph to entice you. This seems like the right one:
"It seems like time stopped here 2,000 years ago," said Polish Pfc. Chris Demko, a gunner on one of the giant Rosomak armored personnel carriers. "We see these kids running around with nothing, not even shoes, and we want to change that." [The Real Kite Runners flying the Afghan Skies.]Bravo for the Polish Soldiers! It just goes to show that loving children and humanity does not stop at our waters edge. :)
Labels: Afghanistan, CentCom, humanitarian
Big guns play big role in E. Afghan
This is one cool article. I know. I'm sick for thinking it is cool to know that our men can kill so many of our ENEMIES, right? YOU'RE READING THE WRONG SITE! Go away! lol.
I love it! Check out this paragraph:
"It's not like the previous wars when they lined up and we would mow them down," said Mantle. "Fires have a lot of different effects. When we fire the 155s from here, the enemy doesn't hear the round coming in. It immediately puts the enemy on the defensive and has a tremendous demoralizing effect." [Big guns play big part in eastern Afghanistan.]Give them all the guns they need, then give them about twice that! Let's kick butt!
Labels: Afghanistan, CentCom, enemies, victory, WWIV
Pilots down for 1/2 hour surrounded by insurgents
Have you ever read an article that made you just want to know more but knew you couldn't? This is one of those for me. Here we have two pilots that are shot down in Iraq surrounded by insurgents, and it took around half an hour for them to be rescued. For half an hour! What did the rescue team find when they did arrive? Not a single injuring! That is the kind of movie I would pay to see, but I am not quite sure I could stand the vocabulary that may have transpired duing this ordeal. lol. Check it out at Downed Pilots Endure 30 Minutes of Intensity Before Rescue. Have a great day.
Labels: CentCom, Fallen Angels, ME, rescue mission, USAF
FHK Situation Report code
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Hitting Hillary's letter out of the ballpark again, Uncle Jimbo!
Reading all the threats everyday that this country is facing, sure can get to a person. That is why Uncle Jimbo is such a great guy. I can always count on him to lift my spirits. He has the right words at the right time to apply to right people. You just have to read his take on Hillary's question given to the Defense Department. He is spot-on!
Would you like to know the question? Okay, here it is:
Dear Mr. Secretary:(Hat tip: MyDD. Be careful. It's a 'Leftie for Hillary' site I got it from. lol)
On May 22, 2007, I wrote to you to request that you provide the appropriate oversight committees in Congress - including the Senate Armed Services Committee - with briefings on what current contingency plans exist for the future withdrawal of United States forces from Iraq. Alternatively, if no such plans exist, I asked for an explanation for the decision not to engage in such planning.
I am in receipt of a letter from Eric Edelman, the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy who wrote that he was responding on your behalf. Under Secretary Edelman's response did not address the issues raised in my letter and instead made spurious arguments to avoid addressing contingency planning for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq.
As I noted in my original letter, "the seeds of many problems that continue to plague our troops and mission in Iraq were planted in the failure to adequately plan for the conflict and properly equip our men and women in uniform. Congress must be sure that we are prepared to withdraw our forces without any unnecessary danger."
Rather than offer to brief the congressional oversight committees on this critical issue, Under Secretary Edelman - writing on your behalf - instead claims that congressional oversight emboldens our enemies. Under Secretary Edelman has his priorities backward. Open and honest debate and congressional oversight strengthens our nation and supports our military. His suggestion to the contrary is outrageous and dangerous. Indeed, you acknowledged the importance of Congress in our Iraq policy at a hearing before the House Armed Services Committee in March, when you stated, "I believe that the debate here on the Hill and the issues that have been raised have been helpful in bringing pressure to bear on the Maliki government and on the Iraqis in knowing that there is a very real limit to American patience in this entire enterprise."
Redeploying out of Iraq will be difficult and requires careful planning. I continue to call on the Bush Administration to immediately provide a redeployment strategy that will keep our brave men and women safe as they leave Iraq - instead of adhering to a political strategy to attack those who rightfully question their competence and preparedness after years of mistakes and misjudgments.
Other members of this Administration have not engaged in political attacks when the prospect of withdrawal planning has been raised. At the June 7 Armed Services Committee confirmation hearing on Lieutenant General Douglas Lute, I asked General Lute "what level of planning has taken place" and "whether the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs have been briefed about the level of planning." I also asked General Lute to determine "what kind of timeline would exist if a decision for either military or political reasons were taken to begin withdrawal" and if he considered this kind of planning to be part of his responsibilities.
General Lute replied, "Thank you Senator. I do think such an adaptation, if the conditions on the ground call for it, will be part of this position."
I renew my request for a briefing, classified if necessary, on current plans for the future withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq or an explanation for the decision not to engage in such planning. I also renew my concern that our troops will be placed in unnecessary danger if the Bush Administration fails to plan for the withdrawal of U.S. Forces. Finally, I request that you describe whether Under Secretary Edelman's letter accurately characterizes your views as Secretary of Defense.
I would appreciate the courtesy of a prompt response directly from you. Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
Hillary Rodham Clinton
If you will notice, her letter to him was released for publication. Was his? I don't know, but I doubt it. (Won't swear to it, though.) Anyway, I thought Uncle Jimbo handled this just fine. Yes, fine indeed. Go over and have a great laugh and a great day!
Trackback @ DoD Daily News.
Delayed, but only a little
I have had a few factors that have hindered my writing and bringing you the news that you deserve and need to know. My apologies. I will be getting to it as quickly as I am able. Please stop back in a while if you wish. I am planning to have some links to some of Blackfive's videos and some Military news. Thanks. :)
Labels: misc
A Gathering of Michael Yon's Writings
Michael Yon is one of the best citizen reporters we are blessed to have in these days of war and peace. He does a wonderful job of bringing the news, no matter the state of the news, so that we may be informed of the truth. Why do I say this?
I say this because Michael is an American, and he never forgets that. He is not ashamed to be an American! Most 'journalists' are 'world' journalists, which leads them to consider America as just another country. Not the place of their birth, not the place that gave them all the opportunities they have taken advantage of, not the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. No. They hate America, subconsciously perhaps, but they do.
I can no more trust my enemy to tell me how this dress looks on me than I can trust a reporter who would rather see our enemies be victorious. The arguement may not be comparible, but I assure you that all the women readers of this know exactly what I mean! (For you brave gents, let's assume you took your prized car to the mechanic of your enemy...get it? lol)
Okay. I have been so busy that I have fallen behind in my posting of Michael's articles. That is why I am going to give them to you as a 'gathering' (not to be confused with the wonderful group known as, "A Gathering of Eagles").
Here we go. This article was posted on Independence Day. Michael states clearly that when you see the fireworks and hear the booms, try to imagine the sounds of jets and helicopters and the occasional screams, and that should give a slight idea of life at this time in Baquba, Iraq. The article he has written for us is "Bless the Beasts and Children." He has also issued this: "A warning to those with children: some of the photographs in this dispatch may be too graphic for young ones."
In this email he let us know that he has updated "Update on Bless the Beasts and Children." He also notes that there is a growing number of readers whom are becoming more and more furious at the media for not paying any attention to these facts on the ground, such as well documented mass-murders. Yet they are more than happy to publish anything that is ugly, wrong, fabricated by al Qaida, and so on. This is covered in the update.
There seems to be some difficulty with the archives for people who are new to Michael's site, so he gave us a list of really good dispatches while he works on fixing the problem.
The Kids!, Hello, Ameriki, Little Girl, Killing for God, Lost in Translation, Whipping Boy, Camp Bastion, The Floating Village and The Hands of God.
In Baqubah Update 05-July-2007, Michael spoke with an Iraqi official in Baqubah, Iraq. They spoke about al Qaida's treatment of those who disagreed with them. He did not comment on the truthfulness of this reporting by the official, because there were too few "specifics."
They found mass-grave sites about 3 1/2 miles away, which gives just a clue, however, as to al Qaida responds. There were bodies of decapitated children and possibly their mothers as well as men. Michael actually visited the site, so it is not just what someone told him. 'That grim discovery was the focus of "Bless the Beasts and Children."'
There were many people who picked up his article, many heavy-weights as well. Rush includes his sources names to give the reporter proper due. If you see any of Michael's dispatches or hear of them being read without giving credit, please let him know. HIS WORK IS COPYWRITED.
He doesn't mind that we share it amongst ourselves and others, but please remember to always name your source! It is good to have the people understand the truth about what is really happening. This can lead to an intelligent discussion (not like they have in the Senate!).
Whether or not the stories are true about al Qaida's horrendous behavior, ever since the plan set to take place (and did so in Baqubah on 19 June), 'the citizens of Baqubah are very happy, markets are opening, and there has been practically zero fighting in the last couple of weeks. For the latest, please read "Second Chances."'
This dispatch was written on June 12, 2007, while Michael was still in Baquba. I heard his radio interview with Hugh Hewitt at 4pm PCT. It was wonderful to hear your voice again, Michael. :)
His dispatch for today is Al Qaeda on the Run.
Another day, another dispatch. Superman.
I am going to quote these, because I think they deserve it.
- I made an appearance today (Tuesday) from Baqubah on Good Morning America to talk about events in Baqubah. That video should be available on their site, and includes loud combat video I shot yesterday (Monday.)
I will be appearing on the Laura Ingraham radio show tomorrow (Wednesday.) We realize the site has become difficult to navigate after growing beyond all expectations, both in content and readership. The site will be overhauled during the coming months, but the work is very expensive so this will happen in stages.
This site depends 100% on reader support. Every bit helps and is critical. We'll revamp the site as funding permits to allow for easier searches, and will continue to bring cutting edge stories from the war.

Labels: citizen journalists, ME, milblogs, WWIV
Friday, July 20, 2007
There are 5 Americans being held hostage in Iran
Here we go again. Let's see what this cowboy is going to do. Will he turn out to be another Jimmy Carter to our shame, or will he do the responsible thing and get our citizens back? Only time will tell. It has already been since May.
I do not want to hear anything more about talking to these maniacs. I am ready to go in for our own. Call me whatever you like, I have been holding back from war for a very long time. If we do nothing but talk now, in the eyes of the Middle East, we have lost all credibility. Would you please remind the Left that this is not good for what they call, "Relationships" in the world!
Frankly, I don't give a hoot what the rest of the world thinks except in one sense: Fear us. As long as they fear us, they will not attack us. These are just the simple facts of war. Do you want to stop wars? Make your enemy afraid. It is just that simple.
The three people who the IRG have captured and thrown into jail are Dr. Haleh Esfandiari, director of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Kian Tajbakhsh who is a respected Urban Planner and sociologist working for the Open Society Institute, Ali Shakeri, a peace activist, Parnaz Azima, a correspondent working for Radio Farda, the joint Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty–Voice of America Persian-language radio broadcast to Iran, and Robert Levinson who disappeared in early March during a visit to Iran's Kish Island and is believed to be held by the Iranian authorities. Levinson, a retired FBI agent, reportedly had traveled to Iran to investigate a matter on behalf of a private client.
The charges are as follows:
While on the way to airport after a visit with her 93 year old mother, some thugs (IRG probably) stole her passport. This 67 year old grandmother has been charged with being involved with a propaganda campaign to foment a "soft revolution" against the brutal clerical regime.While some may think this is related to Bush in some way, let me make this clear. These arrests started in December of last year, and they got worse when the Iranian regime started cracking down on any dissent. Not every damn thing is George Bush' fault.
Kian Tajbakhsh has been charged with "seeking the overthrow of the Iranian government. He and Esfandiari are being held in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison, which contains many other Iranian political prisoners and dissidents."
Ali Shakeri and Parnaz Azima may be joining them soon due to trumpt-up charges. Panaz has been charged (because she works for RFE) of "an institution that spreads propaganda against the Islamic Republic." (And the Europeans still want to have more talks?)
At least Radio Free Europe did not sit on their hands. They used some very strong 'words' toward the Iranian regime. How about you, Mr. President?
The Iranians are hoping to use this former FBI Agent as a pawn to gain leverage in the release of the bastards we caught.
Remember. All of these people had passports which were confiscated, and most of them have dual-citizenship.
Sources: The Jawa Report, Iran's Growing List of Hostages and The Invisible Crisis: What if Iran took hostages and no one noticed? (I highly recommend all of these, especially the last two. I found them through google, but you have to add the year 2007, or you will get Jimmy Carter stuff.)

Labels: Americans, hostages, Iran, terrorist/ism, WWIV
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Press Conference and Divestment from Iran
There is going to be press conference today in Washington, DC, to garner the attention of our Congressmembers and, hopefully, all government officials across this country. I would appreciate it if you are close enough, please attend this conference. If you are unable to, then please check out this information.
Taking Action against the Iranian Nuclear Threat
All U.S. Presidential Candidates Invited
Confirmed Speakers from The Israel Project's Board of Advisors Include:
U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman, U.S Rep. Eliot Engel,
U.S. Rep. Jon Porter and U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman.
Who: All presidential candidates have been invited to speak and/or send a statement. U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), chairman of the congressional subcommittee on terrorism, nonproliferation and trade; U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.); Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.); U.S. Rep. Jon Porter (R-Nev.); and Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, founder and president of The Israel Project also will speak. Q&A session to follow.
When: Thurs., July 19, 2 p.m. (EST)
Where: Room HC-7 in the U.S. Capitol Building (south door entrance)
RSVP Required
Please RSVP to Michal Slawny at Michals at The Israel or call 202-857-2766
Here is the link of the Kit that I promised: Press Kit for Iran Divestment. Remember to search for more references so that you can either be sure or dismiss any links that are true or false. I believe them to be true, that is why I am doing this. I just want you to feel free to do the same. Have a great day!
Labels: divest, grass roots, pols, terrorist/ism
Press Kit for Iran Divestment
Here is the email I received to alert me to this Conference that is going to take place in Washington, DC, at 2pm today. You may read more about it at Press Conference and Divestment from Iran.
- Petition to U.N. secretary-general.
Terror-Free Investing Resources.
Overview: Stop Giving Money to IranEvidence of Effectiveness of Sanctions.
List of Companies doing business with Iran
Does your state invest in companies doing business with terror-sponsoring countries?What can you send to your investment advisor on companies helping Iran?Download this letter (.DOC).
How can you send a letter to your elected officials about terror-free investing?Download this letter (.DOC) from the Center for Security Policy.
Recent Media Coverage.
Precedents: the South Africa Model.
Chilling Iranian Stories (courtesy The Washington Times).Expert Sources.
Iranian Economists Blame President for Economic Woes Despite Huge Oil Revenues (courtesy Associated Press).
Iran's Oil Industry: A House of Cards?
Unrest Grows Amid Gas Rationing in Iran (courtesy International Herald Tribune).
Iran's Nuclear Violations and Threat to the World.
Violations of U.N. Sanctions and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.Iran-Backed Terrorism.
Iran's Threat to Europe.
Iran's Nuclear Capacities.
Arab Leaders Voice Concerns about Iran and its Nuclear Program.
Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses.
Iran: Leading State Sponsor of Terrorism.President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Iranian State Sponsorship of Terror: Testimony to Congress (Matthew Levitt).
Breakdown of Iran's Financial Backing of Terrorist Groups.
Hezbollah's Youth Movement: The Imam al-Mahdi Scouts.
Hezbollah as a strategic arm of Iran.
Biographies:What Iran's Leaders are Saying.The Wold According to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (inFocus).
Extremist Religious Views and Doctrines.
Profile: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (BBC).
Bio: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (The Jerusalem Post).
Ahmadinejad Says Light Surrounded Him during 2005 U.N. Speech.
Ahmadinejad’s Demons (The New Republic).
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.Polls on Iran.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Other Iranian Leaders.
Ahmadinejad's Popularity Fading Fast.Iran's Weapons Arsenal.
Tracking Elite Opinion on Israel, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Iran and General Threats to the U.S.
Topline: Iran and Investing in Terrorist-Sponsoring States.
Americans Support Sanctions Against Iran Even if that Increases Gas Prices.
Tracking U.S. Attitudes Towards Israel and Iran.
Iranian Missile Guide and Map of Threats.How to Stop the Threat of a Nuclear Iran.
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle (courtesy BBC).
Iran-Supplied Missiles Used in the 2006 Hezbollah-Israel War.
Iran's Nuclear Programme (map).
Atomic Agency Concludes Iran is Stepping Up Nuclear Work (courtesy The New York Times).
The Iranian Nuclear Crisis: Latest Developments and Next Steps Testimony to Congress (Ilan Berman).TIP's Iran Conferences.
Economic and Diplomatic Strategies for Isolating Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Regime.
In the Eye of the Storm: Iran in Global Perspectives; watch selected lectures.Iran's Human Rights Violations.
Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas: Money, Martyrdom and the Mahdi Conference.
Showing Jailed Americans, Iran TV Cites Confessions (courtesy The Washington Post).
Ahmadinejad's Record of Human Rights Abuses.
Human Rights Watch World Report on Iran.
Amnesty International Report on Iran.
Labels: divest, grass roots, pols, terrorist/ism
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Hunter testified yesterday for Compean and Ramos
Yesterday Congressman Duncan Hunter (CA-R) testified in front of the Senate of behalf of Border Patrol Agents Mr. Compean and Mr. Ramos. He has sent out a press release for you to be aware of all he is trying to do to have these gentlemen released from prison for which they are in due to bogus charges and the word of an illegal alien drug smuggler. [Emphasis mine.]
For immediate release:Now THAT is what I'm talking about! Go Hunter '08!
July 17, 2007
Hunter testifies for border patrol agents.
California Congressman seeks full pardon for Ramos and Compean (Washington, D. C.)
United States Congressman Duncan Hunter took his fight to the nation's capitol today (July 17) to convince President Bush to pardon two border patrol agents he feels were unjustly imprisoned. Hunter appeared before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security.
The California Congressman testified that he strongly supports a Presidential pardon of former agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean because, "there is absolutely no justification for such unfair and excessive prison sentences."
The incident dates back to February 2005, when the agents tried to stop a van driven by alleged drug smuggler Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila near the Mexico border. According to court documents, a scuffle ensued between agent Compean and suspect Aldrete-Davila. The suspect broke loose and fled on foot.
Agent Ramos says he believes that he saw a gun, a fact contradicted by the suspect. Both agents reportedly fired at Aldrete-Davila, who fell, then continued his escape across the border. Later, Ramos and Compean filed their official report listing the 743-pounds of marijuana they found in the van, but failed to mention the gunfire.
A Homeland Security agent apparently heard about the episode and traveled to Mexico. According to court documents, the Homeland Security agent offered Aldrete-Davila immunity, if he would testify against Ramos and Compean.
In his testimony today, Hunter took offense to that arrangement. "The U.S. government sadly decided to side with the drug dealer and prosecute agents Compean and Ramos for simply fulfilling their duties as border patrolmen.
The drug smuggler walked away from the incident with only a wound in his rear-end, and the opportunity to attempt another drug run."
Hunter continued, "The men and women of the border patrol are certainly not above the laws they are empowered to enforce, but, they must also know that when they apply the necessary and appropriate level of force, their government will not work aggressively to ensure they are punished while lawlessness is rewarded."
U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, a Bush appointee, prosecuted the agents.
In March, a jury found them guilty of assault with a dangerous weapon, discharge of a firearm during a violent crime, obstructing justice, lying about the incident, and willfully violating Aldrete-Davila's Fourth Amendment right to be free from illegal seizure.
Because there was gunfire, the mandatory-minimum prison sentence the agents will serve is 10 years. The U.S. Probation Office in El Paso, Texas, had recommended 20 years for each of the two agents.
Hunter reemphasized his belief that, "there is absolutely no justification for such unfair and excessive prison sentences."
Hunter's congressional district is in southern California near the border with Mexico. He told the members of the subcommittee, "I represent the border communities, and have for more than 26-years. I have worked with the fine men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol to ensure they receive the support and resources they need to address the constant intrusion of drug and human smugglers across our borders. It troubles me to think that questionable testimony by a drug smuggler, who was granted immunity, and free medical care for his cooperation, was put before the two border patrol agents who willingly accepted this inherently dangerous responsibility."
Hunter noted, "The very day they surrendered to federal custody, I recommended that agents Compean and Ramos be segregated and was assured they would be removed from the general population and close attention was being paid to their personal safety.
The attack against agent Ramos indicates concerns for his personal safety and protection were ignored." On February 6, 2007, Hunter wrote to the President requesting that an investigation be conducted into the attack against agent Ramos.
The letter also requested that Bureau of Prisons Director Harley Lappin be discharged from his position should it be ascertained that the proper precautions were not taken.
Hunter concluded his testimony by emphasizing his belief that, "Pardoning agents Compean and Ramos is the only option available to correct this terrible injustice and, just as importantly, restoring the confidence of the border patrol and the American people that their nation is serious about enforcing its immigration and smuggling laws."
Hunter has said when elected president, his first order of business will be to pardon the agents. Hunter has led the national campaign for border security and immigration reform. He has been joined by scores of his fellow members, and several activist groups.
He was the only Republican Presidential Candidate to attend Tuesday's hearing.
Observers believe that the subcommittee members sought Hunter's testimony because of his long fight for a more secure border and his legislative initiatives.
Hunter drafted legislation that was signed by the President to construct over 800 miles of fence on the southern border. Only a few miles of fencing have been completed. Hunter has charged that the department of Homeland Security has the money and the mandate, but "the administration has a 'case of the slows' in getting the fence built."
He has pledged that, "he will see that the fence is up within six month after he takes office as President.
Hunter for President, Inc.
9340 Fuerte Drive
La Mesa, California 91941
United States
Labels: border patrol, crimes, illegal aliens, pardons, pols, presidents
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
So, you believe us to be afraid, do you?
This is one of the funniest things I've ever heard. CAIR has this theory that we are afraid of terrorists and terrorism and them. How could they be so wrong? I say, "Bring it on!"
We wear uniforms which make us a perfect target, they wear masks so not even their families know who they are! We say, "Bring it on!" They hide behind children and women. They ask others to blow themselves up, yet they will not go out and kill themselves. Too bad. At least we are willing to fight them face-to-face, but they will not do this. They are cowards, and CAIR seems to think we are afraid of cowards? They don't know us, do they?!
Read a little bit of what Parvez Ahmed has to say:
A Muslim civil rights group today blamed Bush administration policies for promoting “Islamophobia” and said the “war on terror” won’t stop terrorists.Hey Parvez, I have a question for you. If you are so brave and not Islamophobic, why are you not condemning your 'brother' terrorists down in Texas who are on trial which started yesterday?
“The new perception is that the United States has entered a war with Islam itself,” said Parvez Ahmed, chairman of the national board of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
“Terrorism is a tactic. You cannot eradicate it by declaring a war against it. The war on terror is causing us infinitely more harm than the terrorists could have ever imagined.” [Continue reading.]
In the Muslim community, many view the prosecution as driven by pro-Israel political forces and by a form of paranoia they call “Islamophobia.”My, my. Protect thine own, eh? I guess that would make you a terrorist, si?
“The prosecution is trying to criminalize humanitarian aid,” the vice president of the Dallas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Khalil Meek, said. “The Holy Land Foundation and its associates are not charged with any violence. They actually did feed, clothe, shelter, and provide medical support to humanitarian efforts all over the world.” [Continue reading.]
Let me explain something to you. Let me explain Americans to you. We do NOT cower when you walk past us. Just as with the Nazis and the Commies, we hate you for the contemptuous bastards you are and those you protect on our soil. No, we are not afraid you. We are not Islamophobic. We just know who are enemies are, and you are he!
Now for the other voice you seldom hear because CAIR is so quick to threaten anyone who speaks up against them and happens to be a Muslim living (and was born) in America. This man is speaking out, through the death threats he has received, against CAIR! He is a religious Muslim who believes that it the responsibility of every Muslim to do the same. His name is Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, and his site is American Islamic Forum for Democracy.
I recommend this Muslim's site, because he is also an American and he is proud to be as such. He has served in our Armed Forces, and he lives in Arizona. Please give him a viewing. We say there are not enough voices condemning Muslim who commit these evil acts, well this guy does speak up for America...If only people would listen.
Hat tip: Stop the ACLU and Little Green Footballs.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Mahoney buys silence for $660 million
Before I start this post, please allow me to set the record straight. I am not Catholic. I am a First Southern Baptist Christian. I hold no ill feelings toward those people who choose to be Catholics. I am grounded enough in my faith not to allow anything that anyone says about their religion or mine to bother me, but I will tell what does bother me.
When someone claims the title as a Christian, then publicly acts anyway they choose except as a Christian. I know I have failed in this category, so I understand how easy it is fall off the path and start walking as if we are of this world and not just in it. For this, I repent of my sins of cussing and not reading my Bible as I should.
I have looked in the mirror at myself, and I have taken the log out of my eye. Now let's turn to the speck in Cardinal Mahoney's. To stay in your position as Cardinal of any Church is an even more egregious sin. For these men to continue their grotesque sin and crime, they needed your enablement. They needed your cloak to cover them, and that is exactly what you gave them. Shame on you!
Let's look at this situation as the unbeliever would. There are many religions out there, and every person is going seek the meaning of life at least one point in their life. They ultimately turn to God. You and I know that there is only One True God. We are His representatives, like it or not. What they see on the outside is how God will be judged. What do you think someone looking at you will think?
EDITORIAL NOTE: If you do not agree with me about MY religion, don't bother writing a disagreeable comment. I know there are many who do not believe this. THIS IS WHAT I BELIEVE, and I have that right as much as you do.
To continue. Anyone who has the authority over His flock and leads astray one of His very own would be better off to tie a mulberry bush around his neck and throw himself into the ocean! These are not my words. It is not I who says this, but the LORD. Does that matter to you?
These people who search for God will now have trouble with a Christian God, because this is a big deal. I can tell you that the people who harmed me will never be able to pay me more than I've already paid personally for their crimes. Do not find your hands washed of these crimes against children and humanity. They are not. They cannot be.
How many people are going to Christ now? How many are turning away? What you have done is outrageous and sinful. You are just as guilty as those men, and you should not remain a Cardinal. Not in a Church anyway. You have broken the Holy laws of God and the trust of mankind. The only way to regain the Hope in Christ is for you to leave your post. If you are truly sorry, if you truly love Christ, if you truly desire His flock to be saved, you shall retire your position in the Church. Then again, that's only if you remember we may be in this world, not of it.

Labels: $$$, Christ, Christians, Church, repentence, sin
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Is bin Ladin video fake?
Since I do not have the expertise that these people whom I am going to direct you to have, I think it best to do this in that manner.
Here are some of the sources:
Laura Mansfield web site: Bin Laden stresses martyrdom in short segment of new As Sahab video.I would personally go to Laura Mansfield's and Counter Terrorism Blog for any serious discussion of what is happening in the world today. They are very prolific in history as well.
Video Web Link from Laura Mansfield web site.
CNN: Newly released bin Laden video calls for martyrdom.
ABC News: Possible New Message From Osama Bin Laden.
FOX News: Osama Bin Laden Appears in New Video, Officials Probe Authenticity.
Hadeeth Sunnah Sahih Bukhari, Book 52. Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad). Quote from Volume 4, Book 52, Number 54.
Labels: bloggers, news, terrorist/ism, tv/website, video
Physicians vs. Gun Owners

a. The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000.
b. Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000.

(Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services)
Now think about this . . ..
a. The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000.
b. The number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups) is 1,500.
c. The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.000188.
Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

Remember, "Guns don't kill people; doctors do."

Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!

Note: Out of concern for the public at large, I have withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention.
With gracious gratitude to my brother, who knows how I feel about that them doctors! Oh yes, and gun RIGHTS, too! Thank you, Mr. GrassRoots.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
EU's immigration problem could be our problem
As many Americans aware, too many immigrants at one particular time who choose not to learn the language, culture, and traditions on one's new home causes an economic, a strain on welfare of the nation, and they sometimes turn to crime as a last resort. However...
We are all aware of the on going riots and mass car burnings in France, but what many Americans are not aware of is the increasing violence and sexual abuse that is occurring amongst Europe's most Islamicized immigrant communities. From Sweden, to Germany to the Netherlands, all across old Europe the danger, crime and poverty of their Muslim immigrant communities is growing exponentially every year. [Read the whole article.]As if this were bad enough, and it is horrific, there is more.
I have written before of how England has seen an growing rise in sexual assaults and in the so-called honor killing, a brutal and barbaric practice where members of a girl's own family will kill her if she is even seen in public with the "wrong" kind of man. But, England is by no means an isolated trouble spot. All of Europe is seeing the same thing.Even if convince the people of the Middle East to put an end to this practice of honor killings, it has already become the norm outside of the South-East Asian area.
It is good to note, however, that some people are gathering the strength, as we did against the illegal alien amnesty, to put an end to what the government has will not. Brussels Journal is being quoted in the article I am referring to:
In March this year, native Dutch residents of the city of Utrecht rioted to protest against harassment by Muslim youths and government inaction to stop this. The authorities immediately suppressed the riots by sealing off the area and installing surveillance cameras to control Dutch non-Muslims, but they have done virtually nothing to address the underlying problem of Muslim violence. And this is far from unique to the Netherlands.Good for them! Shame on that government!
And to top that off, everyone is government has lost their freakin' minds. (Quoted)
Sweden experienced a quadrupling in the number of rape charges in the space of a single generation. Yet Sweden's largest newspaper Aftonbladet recently indicated that the spike in rape numbers was due to the "warm weather," which would presumably mean that these rapes are caused by global warming. The fact that many of the suspects have a Muslim background is purely coincidental, no doubt.Even the blind could see this, so I can't even go there. I have no words to express the disgust and shame they should be feeling, not political correctness.
Ah, you are wondering why I declared we could be in danger of the problems in Old Europe. Good point. I'll spell it out now. We import people because too many women have selfishly killed their offspring. Who is going to pay the taxes for their promised retirement? It was never meant to be a guaranteed retirement plan, but that is indeed the way people see it.
Where are they going to find these children? From those families who have bred many. That is where! Follow the money. Illegal aliens? Money. Prescription drugs? Money. Islamists? Money. Be careful what you think. I know of several senators who have accepted quite a bit of money from some uncouth characters...
Remember, the people who flew into the twin towers were not poor, they lived in Germany, and they had a following. How can we safely accept anyone, even white Europeans, on their word? What else is there? An inspection? HA! I laugh in your face! Do you remember Mohammed Atta received his visa extension on the six month anniversary of that unspeakable day for which he was in charge of bringing to completion? Oh yeah, like I'm really going to trust them!
This is a very talented and well written article by Warner Todd Huston. He is writing over at The Conservative Voice. It is a very nice site. I have been receiving news e-mails from them about what is happening in our world that you will never hear about on the TV or possibly even on the radio or the net. I do believe it is a valuable site for us to keep up to date with history as we are making it...or it makes us!

Labels: $$$, EU, illegal aliens, religion, riots, ss, terrorist/ism, USA
News from NK and Darfur, Sudan
Let's get to North Korea's desire to speak with President Bush one-on-one. Isn't this remarkable? NO! He has been crying for this ever since our president came into office. It is quite humorous the way it is covered in the news, however.
NK wants direct military talks with U.S.Do you notice how they treat this communist dictator with respect? Sounds very inviting, right?
SEOUL, South Korea (Reuters) - North Korea called on Friday for military talks with the United States for peace and security on the peninsula, with Washington saying it can discuss a peace treaty after Pyongyang abandons its nuclear program.
Six-way talks on ending North Korea's nuclear arms programs are set to resume on Wednesday in Beijing. The North, which has long sought direct talks with the United States, usually holds bilateral meetings with U.S. officials within those discussionsSounds like President Bush is the bad guy in this matter! Remind me, who's building the nuclear weapons?
Now we will discuss the dishonesty of the reporting on Darfur, Sudan, along with the situation in Africa.
U.S. envoy says Sudan bombing civilians in Darfur.Bashir always denies any attacks he authorizes. He does authorize them, because the janjaweed does not do anything without his instructions.
KHARTOUM, Sudan (Reuters) -- The top U.S. envoy for Darfur on Friday accused the Sudanese government of bombing civilian targets in its war-ravaged western region and rebels of cynically obstructing international efforts to end the conflict.
International experts estimate 200,000 [It has been 400,000 for 2 years now!] people have died as a result of ethnic[, religious] and political conflict in Darfur since it flared in 2003 when mostly non-Arab rebels took up arms after accusing the central government of neglect. [LIE! It was the Arab janjaweed that was raping, pillaging, murdering, flash burning the land, and committing genocide that started the war.] Washington calls the violence genocide, and blames the government and its allied militia. Khartoum rejects the term and says only 9,000 have died.I guess you've noticed that I could not restrain myself. Reuters is one of the worst newspapers in the whole world. It ranks right up there with al Jazeera!
What a lot of people do not understand is that is both Kartoum and Darfur have mostly Muslim people living there. The difference? The people in Kartoum are Arab, the people in Darfur are native and black. They are fighting against Sharia law and genocide. Wouldn't you?
These people truly need help, and we may be the only ones in the world that can help them. Our so called leaders would have to change the ROE (rules of engagement). Al Qaida is hiding in the mountains where over 2 million people had to flee their homes as the terrorists moved in to OCCUPY the place. They have many training camps up there, but why talk about that? That isn't news. Oh no. We're not at war. Ya think?!
BTW, I checked. All of the reporters copy/pasted the Reuters article for the Darfur article. Gee, I could do that, and I did not need to go to college to figure out how!

Labels: Africa, AQ, AU, Darfur, genocide, news, nk, Sudan, terrorist/ism, UN, USA
Friday, July 13, 2007
Shrek's Mom's call for Courage
This is an email I received. Without further ado, please read it. It is from Shrek's Mom.Families United Call to Action - United for a Strong America!
Your Voice needs to be heard today! You've seen the news today. General Petraeus presented to the President his PRELIMINARY Report. The congressional leadership are referring to it as done/final and are again discussing legislation aimed at undermining our Troops while they are in harms way - protecting us! They are discussing bringing them home - before they complete their mission.
They are discussing ways to weaken our country by weakening our military - tying their hands when they've been asked to do a job that they are succeeding at! The surge is finally at it's full strength and some leaders are saying it has failed - without ever giving it a chance to succeed! I don't know about you but this feels like they are aiding the enemy! In fact - this is exactly what the enemy wants!
Is that what you want? Is that the future you want for your children and grandchildren? Is that what your son/daughter/spouse/mom/dad/neighbor fought for? In Iraq ... Afghanistan ... Vietnam ... Korea ... WWII?
I didn't think so. Now - today is the day to do something about it. Please take a few moments today to email or call your congressional leaders and let them know where you stand and that you need them to work and speak out for victory in Iraq, that you expect them to provide the Troops with the funds they need to be successful on the war on terror, and they need to start standing United for a Strong America! Continue reading at DoD Daily News-2.
Merrilee Carlson, Chair
Families United for Our Troops and Their Mission
Shrek's mom
America - Home of the Free because of the Brave!
I hope many of you will heed her wishes. This is our country and our countrymen who are in danger, whether or not they realize it. These men and women are giving up everything so that we may preserve that which is here at home. What is the sense in fighting if you have no home to come back to after all is said done?

Labels: call, citizens' duty, congress, courage, sen, Troops
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Heroes: Some People You Should Know
Here are a couple of Heroes you should really have the privilege of knowing but, unfortunately, I have not quite yet mastered the art Adobe! They are in .pdf files, and here are the files: Defense Link: Heroes, 7/11/07. This link covers only two heroes. I hope this link works, because I could not find any links to match this article except DefenseLink: Heroes, which is the beginning of the search.
I hope you enjoy them. Both of these men deserve every ounce of the medals they were awarded.
Former Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Marcus LuttrellOkay. So I wanted you to be able to read about them without me messing it up. He is such a remarkable man, although I doubt he will say that about himself. That's one of things that makes him a Hero to me. Just one, though.Surrounded and severely outnumbered in combat, you can either give up or fight to the death. Petty Officer Luttrell and three other SEALs faced that decision in the hills of Afghanistan on June 28, 2005. A SEAL never gives up
The team, which included Lt. Michael Murphy and Petty Officers Matt Axelson and Danny Dietz, had been sent on a covert mission to find and kill a Taliban leader. As the SEALs scoured the area, they encountered three civilians who Luttrell believes alerted Taliban fighters. About an hour later, approximately 80-100 Taliban fighters appeared and began a ferocious assault. As the small team fought back, a Chinook helicopter arrived in support – but was shot down by the enemy, killing all 16 men on board.
The SEALs realized that their odds of survival were slim – but their training and sense of honor told them to take out as many enemies as they could. By the end of a two-hour gunfight that careened through the hills and over cliffs, Murphy, Axelson, and Dietz had fallen. An estimated 35 Taliban were also dead. Luttrell managed to escape the carnage – badly injured – and slowly crawl away down the side of a cliff.
Dehydrated, with a bullet wound to one leg, shrapnel embedded in both legs, three vertebrae cracked; the situation for Luttrell was grim. Rescue helicopters were sent in, but he was too weak and injured to make contact. Traveling seven miles on foot, he eventually reached a village where he was put under “lokhay warkawal,” Afghan for the protection of the villagers, who fed him and cleaned his wounds. In short order, one of the villagers made his way to a Marine outpost with a note from Luttrell, and U.S. forces launched a massive rescue operation that pulled him from enemy territory. To this day, Luttrell remains indebted to the villagers who risked their lives in his defense. As he told The Washington Post, “In the middle of everything evil, in an evil place, you can find goodness. Goodness. I’d even call it godliness.”
Luttrell was the “Lone Survivor” of the events of June 28, 2005. He was awarded the Navy Cross for his actions.
Next, we have another brave young man. Here is his story:
Army Reserve Maj. Christopher MatsonHere is a link for you to find who the heroes are in your own neighborhood. This covers all 50 states. Heroes in the War on Terror: 50 States. If you happen to see them, please walk up to them, shake their hand, and thank them for our freedom and their sacrifices. God bless them and you.One of the most vital missions of the U.S. forces in Iraq is to train and support the Iraqi security forces so that they can defend their own country. Matson was sent to Mosul in April 2006 to work with Iraqi soldiers, most of whom were former “peshmerga,” indigenous Kurdish guerilla fighters. He was part of a specialized task force of ten U.S. soldiers, each with a unique skill set. These training groups, also known as Military Transition Teams (MiTTs), are located throughout Iraq. In Mosul alone, there were 10-15 MiTTs while Matson was there.
Matson served as the operations officer for his team. He knew he needed to develop personal relationships with the Iraqi forces, so he spent a great deal of time in informal settings talking and joking with his Iraqi counterparts. The Kurdish soldiers eventually embraced the training team: not only did they train and work together, but the Kurds came to think of the Americans as family.
Matson and his team lived in a beat-up, bombed-out building in the middle of Mosul, where they and the Iraqis lived together, ate together, and trained together. It was a dangerous setting for sure, but the Iraqis and the Americans faced the danger together. And the constant interaction fostered strong bonds between the two forces – part of a comprehensive strategy to develop and ensure greater leadership on the ground.
Ten days before Major Matson was to return to the U.S., a truck bomb exploded outside of the compound, blowing in the wall of Matson’s room and seriously injuring him. He was knocked unconscious with severe trauma injuries to his head and neck, but his Iraqi counterparts responded swiftly and took him to the nearest medical unit for treatment. Matson attributes his survival to their quick response.
Matson’s injuries were so severe he was unable to return to his unit, which led to his greatest regret: being unable to say goodbye to the Iraqis he had come to call “his brothers.” For his leadership and work in Iraq, Matson received the Bronze Star upon his return from Iraq in May 2007.

Labels: DefenseLink, Heroes, Someone You Should Know