About Me
- Name: Rosemary Welch
- Location: Riverside County, CA, United States
I am a Christian Conservative woman who is pretty straight-forward. Do I ever get upset? Yes. Just give me a minute or two, then try again. ;) May you walk in His Peace and Joy, and always be free because of the men and women who care enough to defend this country. God bless them, their families, and you.

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African Sites
Enough is Enough News and Analysis.Passion of the Present, The
Sokwanele Pro-Democracy site (Zimbabwe).
Sudanese Thinker, The, Drima.
The Zimbabwean Pundit (Editor of Enough is Enough)
Alain's Newsletter
Alian's Newsletter, click for list.America's Victory '08
These are the homepages of members from America's Victory '08. Have at 'em!A Face Made 4 Radio, A Voice Made 4 the Internet, Steven J. Kelso Sr.
ACT Blog, The, Matt.
Big Dog's Weblog.
BizzyBlog, Tom Blumer.
Blah Blah Blah--The Soap Box, Malinda.
BlogCritics, John B.
BlogSoldiers, John B.
Brain Shavings, Puddle Pirate.
Causes of Interest, Rosemary.
Conservative Angst, Gribbit.
Gribbit's Word.
Iowa Voice, Brian.
Josh 4 Vice Prez.
My Newz 'n Ideas, Rosemary's homepage.
Part-Time Pundit, John B.
Passionate America, Wild Bill.
Release the Hounds! Ric O.
Republicans for Black Empowerment, Steven J. Kelso.
Return of the Conservatives, Darth Dilbert.
Right Moment, Scott.
Right on the Right, Justin.
Right Track, The, Terry.
Ron’s Musings.
State of Ohio Blogger Alliance, Steven K.
Suzy Rice.
Voice, The.
Voice of the Pacific, Sonnabend.
Weapons of Mass Discussion, Matt H.
Webloggin, Trip.
Kerala Articles, Scroll down and click which title you wish to read.Asia
DPRK Studies, Richardson.
Global American Discourse, Shah Alexander, Japan.
Issac China/America.
OneFreeKorea, Joshua.
CA Political News
Ca Political News blogroll. Click link for daily news.Christians
Answers in GenesisBible History OnLine
CB's Blog
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Christian Dreams 'n Visions, Sherry.
Church and State, Nathan.
Jack Lewis.
Jungle Hut.
Linda's Thoughts
Loving God Holy, Rosemary.
One Year Bible Blog.
Online Chaplain, The.
Pilgrim Scribblings.
Pray for Iran.
Woman Honor Thyself.
Comicstrips you should view
Day by Day.Dilbert.
Conservative Post Pimp
Post PimpDonovan's Blogroll
Looking for Donovan's blogroll? Click for listings.Legal Pundits
JURIST Paper Chase.Political Vanguard.
African SitesAlain's Newsletter
America's Victory '08
CA Political News
Categories (outdated, but still mine)
Donovan's Blogroll
Legal Pundits
ME & Afghanistan
Media Watch
My Blogroll
My Cool & Foreign Sites
My Sites
News Around the World/Bloggers
Radio Stations
Stop the ACLU
Media Watch
Biased BBC.Coalition Against Terrorist Media.
Media Research Center.
Media Slander.
Middle East & Afghanistan
Terrorism has no religion.American Islamic Forum for Democracy.
Afghan Lord.
Afghan Voice.
Afghan Warrior.
Afghanistan Online.
New Afghanistan After Years of War, The, Mohammad Fahim Khairy.
Chan'ad Bahraini, ME.
Big Pharaoh.
Do you like/hate Ahmadinejad? Let him know!
Ahmadinejad. He whom I despise. Jam his website! hehehe.
Bereft, Serendip.
City Boy.

Daily Briefing on Iran.

Free Press in Iran.
Free Thoughts. Great source of news.
Ghajar, Iran. (In Persian)
Iranian Bloggers in Jail, Korosh.
Price of the Freedom.
Spirit of Man.
Stop Ahmadinejad and the Mullah regime c/o For Democracy Now.
When Mirror Invites, The Sun!, آفتاب را بايد با آيينه همپيمان ساخت
Winds of Jihad, Shiek Yer-Mami.
24 Steps to Liberty.
A Free Iraqi, Ali.
Days of My Life, Sunshine.
In T View, The, Mister Ghost.
Iraq Pundit.
Iraq the Model.
Iraqi Bloggers Central, Mister Ghost.
Iraqi in America, Fay.
Iraqi Thoughts.
Jveritas, translates Iraqi docs.
The Other Iraq. Kurdistan.
Pearls of Iraq, Miriam.
Truth on Iraq.
Beardie's World of Crap, Xosh 7al.
From Holland to Kurdistan.
Hiwa Hopes.
Iraq Blog Count, Delal, Dilnareen.
Kurdish Thoughts, Swara.
Kurdistan Bloggers Union.
Kurdo's World.
Northern Iraq (KBU).
The Other Iraq. Kurdistan.
Peshmerg Women, Emmunah.
Roj Bash!, Piling, Medya.
Welcome to East of Kurdistan.
Across the Bay: Lebanon.
Pulse of Freedom.
Arabist Network, The.
Asharq Alawsat News.
Free Muslims Against Terrorism.
Iran Press News English.
Iran Press Service. English.
Rooz Online, Iran.
Talisman Gate.
Syria Exposed.
Start here by saying 'Thank you' to our men and women in the Armed Forces. Thank you.365 Days and a Wake-Up.
A Soldier's Blog.
A Storm in Afghanistan.
Ace of Spades.
Afghanistan Without a Clue, Cpt. Traversa.
America Supports You.
American Ranger, Army Sgt. 1st Class Chuck Grist.
American Soldier.
Armies of Liberation, Jane.
Atlas Shrugs.
Big Dog's Blog.
Bill and Bob's Excellent Afghan Adventure.
The Bos'un Locker.
Camp Katrina.
Camp Katrina, Weapons cache database.
Cao's Blog.
Captain's Quarters.
Countervailing Force, The CoRev.
Crazy Politico's Rantings, Bob.
Daily Brief, The.
Defend America.
Defend the Defenders.
Desert Smink.
Dubious Maxims, William.
dvids News & Photos.
Elmer's Brother.
Euphoric Reality, Kit
Freedom Fighter's Journal, The, Ronbo.
From My Position...On the Way!, Chuck.
Fourth Rail, The.
Gathering of Eagles, Vets, Active Duty, Americans.
Gregg's Notes and his wife Two Blue Lines. Please pray for Greg to be healed from his cancer, and pray for his wife to remain strong and comforted. Please visit them. Thank you.
Grouchy Media.
Iraq War News.
JB's Sanctuary
Jihad Watch.
Line in the Sand.
Long Range.
Lumberjack in a Desert, at Walter Reid.
Madison Magazine, Uncle Jimbo
Michael Yon
MilBlogging, JP.
MilTracker, spin-off of Camp Katrina.
Mudville Gazette, GreyHawk.
One Reason Why We Fight
Online Chaplain, The
Operation Iraqi Freedom.
****Partamian Report****.
Pastor, The Online.
Pure Randomness.
Rantburg, War on Terror.
Sgt Lizzie.
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum, 2Lt. R. Currie.
Small Town Veterans, Bill.
Soldiers Angles-Go here and adopt a Soldier, Marine, Airman, NG, Navy, etc!
Soldiers' Angels-Holly Aho.
Steve's Hodgepodge.
Tel-Chai Nation.
Terrorism Unveiled.
The Warren.
They Have Names, CJ.
ThinkingRight, Jim.
ThreatsWatch, (Used to be The Word Unheard.)
Truth-Pain Emporium.
Vets for Freedom.
Winds of Change/a>.
Yoni the Blogger.
My Blogroll
My Blogroll.My Cool & Foreign Sites
Too many for homepage. Click here. Thank you.My Sites
For me.News: World & Bloggers
ABC News-National.Afrol.
Agape Press
al Sabah News.
Always on Watch, Laura Mansfield.
America's Truth Forum.
American Islamic Forum for Democracy.
AP, Breaking News.
Arab News.
Asharq Alawsat News.
Atlantic Review.
Bereft, Serendip.
Big News Network.
Bill C. -UK.
BizzyBlog, Tom.
Blue State Conservatives.
C-SPAN Watch.
Ca Political News.
Canada Free Press.
Center for Security Policy.
China e-Lobby.
Church and State.
Club 4 Growth.
Club 4 Growth Blog.
Competitive Enterprise Institute.
Counter Terrorism.
Crazy Politico's Rantings.
Dagney's Rant.
Daily Star, Lebanon.
Dean's World.
Denver Post.
Der Spiegel, English.
Douglas Farah
DPRK Studies, Richardson.
Drudge Report
DVIDSHub: registry required.
Enough is Enough Zimbabwe
Eye on the UN.
Fact Check.org.
The Federalist.
Fox News.
Free Republic
From Baghdad to New York.
Global American Discourse.
Gwinnett Daily Post.
Heartland Institute, Free Market, Science.
Heritage Foundation, The.
Hidden Dragon, Shoulung.
Hot Air, Michelle Malkin.
Human Events.
Intelligence Summit Blog.
Internat'l (INA) News.
Iran Press News English.
Iran Scan.
Iran va Jahan.net.
Jack Lewis.
Jihad Watch.
Jveritas, translates Iraqi docs.
Karen's Korner.
Knockin' on the Golden Door, Mark.
Kurdish Media News.
La Nueva Cuba.
LaShawn Barber.
LiNK Global, Liberty in North Korea.
Mark in Mexico.
Mark Steyn.
Marshall Institute, The, Science for Better Public Policy.
Michael Fitch.
Michelle Malkin.
Middle East Times.
National Center for Public Policy Research, a Black Forum.
National Review.
Neo-Con Blogger, The.
Notes on California, Sen. Tom McClintock's Blog.
NoVaPolitics.com, James.
OneFreeKorea, Joshua.
Opinion Journal.
Pakistan News.

Power Line.
Pundit Review, Kevin and Gregg.
Pundit Review Radio Rss Feed
Radio Equalizer.
Radio Free Asia.
Real Clear Politics.
Reza Pahlavi, Iran.
Right Truth.
Right Wing News.
RightOMeter, Human Events.
Roger L. Simon.
Rottweiler Puppy.
Shiek Yer-Mami, Iran.
Shiro-Khorshid Forever, Iran.
Simon Weisenthal Center.
South America News Sources.
Space War.
Spirit of Man.
Stop Censoring Us Sanam, Iran.
Stop the ACLU.
Stop the Honour Killings. Ms. Lily Mazahery, ME.
Sudan: Passion of the Present.
Sudan Vision Daily.
Taipei Times.
Tel-Chai Nation.
This is Zimbabwe SokBlog.
Tim Blair.
Tom DeLay.
Town Hall.
Tran Sient's Watch.
On vacation.
Verum Serum. (Iran, Christian)
Victory Caucus, The, NZ Bear+
Washington Post.
Washington Times.
Zimbabwean Pundit.
CA Republic.Congressman Duncan Hunter for President!
Duncan Hunter for President, The Conservative Base.
Lindsey Graham,
Take out Lindsey Graham campaign.
Patterico's Pontifications Deputy DA in LA.
Political Vanguard.
Pork Hunter (me)
Tom DeLay's blog.
Tom McClintock's Blog
Victory Caucus, The, NZ Bear+
Visit the President of the United States of America. The Rest of the Story. lol
Radio Stations
Bennet Mornings.Dennis Prager, TownHall.
Grouchy Media, Military music videos.
Hugh Hewitt.
KABC 790am, Stream.
KFI 640am, Stream.
KKLA, Christian, stream.
KRLA 870am.
Mark Levin Show, Stream.
Michael Medved.
Michael Reagan.
Prager Radio.
Tony Snow, 760am, 6-9am EST, stream.
WABC 77am, NYC.
WRKO 680am, Boston Pundit Review Radio, stream
Junk Science.Science Blogs, Mixing Memory.
TCS Daily. on Global Warming by Roy Spencor, decorated Climatologist.
College Ball, Yoni.
College Basketball Blog.
USA Today Up-to-the-Minute Sports.
Welcome to: American Legends, J. Mark English.
Stop the ACLU
News of the day right here.
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