EU's immigration problem could be our problem
Cross-posted at Rosemary's Thoughts.
As many Americans aware, too many immigrants at one particular time who choose not to learn the language, culture, and traditions on one's new home causes an economic, a strain on welfare of the nation, and they sometimes turn to crime as a last resort. However...
It is good to note, however, that some people are gathering the strength, as we did against the illegal alien amnesty, to put an end to what the government has will not. Brussels Journal is being quoted in the article I am referring to:
And to top that off, everyone is government has lost their freakin' minds. (Quoted)
Ah, you are wondering why I declared we could be in danger of the problems in Old Europe. Good point. I'll spell it out now. We import people because too many women have selfishly killed their offspring. Who is going to pay the taxes for their promised retirement? It was never meant to be a guaranteed retirement plan, but that is indeed the way people see it.
Where are they going to find these children? From those families who have bred many. That is where! Follow the money. Illegal aliens? Money. Prescription drugs? Money. Islamists? Money. Be careful what you think. I know of several senators who have accepted quite a bit of money from some uncouth characters...
Remember, the people who flew into the twin towers were not poor, they lived in Germany, and they had a following. How can we safely accept anyone, even white Europeans, on their word? What else is there? An inspection? HA! I laugh in your face! Do you remember Mohammed Atta received his visa extension on the six month anniversary of that unspeakable day for which he was in charge of bringing to completion? Oh yeah, like I'm really going to trust them!
This is a very talented and well written article by Warner Todd Huston. He is writing over at The Conservative Voice. It is a very nice site. I have been receiving news e-mails from them about what is happening in our world that you will never hear about on the TV or possibly even on the radio or the net. I do believe it is a valuable site for us to keep up to date with history as we are making it...or it makes us!
As many Americans aware, too many immigrants at one particular time who choose not to learn the language, culture, and traditions on one's new home causes an economic, a strain on welfare of the nation, and they sometimes turn to crime as a last resort. However...
We are all aware of the on going riots and mass car burnings in France, but what many Americans are not aware of is the increasing violence and sexual abuse that is occurring amongst Europe's most Islamicized immigrant communities. From Sweden, to Germany to the Netherlands, all across old Europe the danger, crime and poverty of their Muslim immigrant communities is growing exponentially every year. [Read the whole article.]As if this were bad enough, and it is horrific, there is more.
I have written before of how England has seen an growing rise in sexual assaults and in the so-called honor killing, a brutal and barbaric practice where members of a girl's own family will kill her if she is even seen in public with the "wrong" kind of man. But, England is by no means an isolated trouble spot. All of Europe is seeing the same thing.Even if convince the people of the Middle East to put an end to this practice of honor killings, it has already become the norm outside of the South-East Asian area.
It is good to note, however, that some people are gathering the strength, as we did against the illegal alien amnesty, to put an end to what the government has will not. Brussels Journal is being quoted in the article I am referring to:
In March this year, native Dutch residents of the city of Utrecht rioted to protest against harassment by Muslim youths and government inaction to stop this. The authorities immediately suppressed the riots by sealing off the area and installing surveillance cameras to control Dutch non-Muslims, but they have done virtually nothing to address the underlying problem of Muslim violence. And this is far from unique to the Netherlands.Good for them! Shame on that government!
And to top that off, everyone is government has lost their freakin' minds. (Quoted)
Sweden experienced a quadrupling in the number of rape charges in the space of a single generation. Yet Sweden's largest newspaper Aftonbladet recently indicated that the spike in rape numbers was due to the "warm weather," which would presumably mean that these rapes are caused by global warming. The fact that many of the suspects have a Muslim background is purely coincidental, no doubt.Even the blind could see this, so I can't even go there. I have no words to express the disgust and shame they should be feeling, not political correctness.
Ah, you are wondering why I declared we could be in danger of the problems in Old Europe. Good point. I'll spell it out now. We import people because too many women have selfishly killed their offspring. Who is going to pay the taxes for their promised retirement? It was never meant to be a guaranteed retirement plan, but that is indeed the way people see it.
Where are they going to find these children? From those families who have bred many. That is where! Follow the money. Illegal aliens? Money. Prescription drugs? Money. Islamists? Money. Be careful what you think. I know of several senators who have accepted quite a bit of money from some uncouth characters...
Remember, the people who flew into the twin towers were not poor, they lived in Germany, and they had a following. How can we safely accept anyone, even white Europeans, on their word? What else is there? An inspection? HA! I laugh in your face! Do you remember Mohammed Atta received his visa extension on the six month anniversary of that unspeakable day for which he was in charge of bringing to completion? Oh yeah, like I'm really going to trust them!
This is a very talented and well written article by Warner Todd Huston. He is writing over at The Conservative Voice. It is a very nice site. I have been receiving news e-mails from them about what is happening in our world that you will never hear about on the TV or possibly even on the radio or the net. I do believe it is a valuable site for us to keep up to date with history as we are making it...or it makes us!

Labels: $$$, EU, illegal aliens, religion, riots, ss, terrorist/ism, USA
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