My Newz 'n Ideas

It is my intent to express my opinion and to discuss current events. Feel free to make suggestions to fields you would like to see covered, and I will consider them. Please leave your name with comments. Thank you. Arabic: عربي.

Friday, July 07, 2006

News Round-up: Iran

Here is the week's Daily Briefing on Iran by Doctor Zin. These links will take you to my other site where I keep the e-mail sent to me from Doctor Zin. They are the summary of the articles within each link. If you would prefer to go directly to Doctor Zin's, just click on the name of the week. You will find it at the very top of the articles. Thank you, and have a good weekend.

We want an answer from Iran by June 5, 2006 Friday, June 30, 2006.
Iran invests in $1/3 Billion to suppress its internal opposition. Saturday, July 1, 2006.
Iranian rebels blow up railway line Sunday, July 2, 2006.
Was Iran in North Korea to witness its missile launch? Monday, July 3, 2006.
Western powers set new deadline for Iran: July 12th. Tuesday, July 4, 2006.
Iranian student meets VP Cheney: Regime Change. Wednesday, July 5, 2006.
Iran Fears Assassination: Delays Talks Thursday, July 6, 2006.

Category: Iran.