My Newz 'n Ideas

It is my intent to express my opinion and to discuss current events. Feel free to make suggestions to fields you would like to see covered, and I will consider them. Please leave your name with comments. Thank you. Arabic: عربي.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Counter Terrorism Blog Hard at Work

If you have no idea what is happening in the world around you, it is not the fault of these fine men. They all take some of their precious time to communicate to us the condition and state of affairs not only our country is in, but the whole world.

Congress This Week: DOD Counterterrorism, Terrorist Financing, Islamists in Europe, Saddam's Docs

Congressional committees will hold numerous open terrorism-related hearings this week, including hearings on on U.S. government efforts to stop terrorist financing and to train experts in other countries; the Defense Department's role in counterterrorism; and Islamic extremism in Europe. I discussed the hearing this week on the Iraq Perspectives Project and ramifications last week. Here is an Acrobat file of this week's scheduled open hearings:

Download CongCommHrgs040206.pdf
I have to give these men a great big "Thank you" for all the work they do to keep us informed. They are not partisans. They call the shots as they see them. Sometimes even they disagree, but they do not take each other outside to duke it out! They debate like normal people. Now if only we could get the Congress to do that!