My Newz 'n Ideas

It is my intent to express my opinion and to discuss current events. Feel free to make suggestions to fields you would like to see covered, and I will consider them. Please leave your name with comments. Thank you. Arabic: عربي.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

The worshippers of death and the camel's nose

Please forgive me. I have had this one for a while, so I really should get around to publishing! This is another one by Jack Lewis, and it will outrage you. That is, if you think about it.

SUMMARY: British courts saved the life of a young boy whose doctors had tried to kill. The boy is not in a persistent vegetated state, but the doctors simply determine him to be "suffering" due to his paralyses. Quite a large step the worshipper of death are taking from their victory in the torture and murder of Terri Schiavo. They are serious about taking more ground in their war against life. But how much ground have they really won? The truth may amaze you.


March 16, 2006
From the London Telegraph...
An 18-month-old terminally ill boy with an incurable condition should be kept alive, a High Court judge ruled.

Mr Justice Holman concluded in a 29-page judgment that it was not in the boy's best interests to withdraw life-saving ventilation. The boy, known only as MB, suffers from spinal muscular atrophy. He cannot breathe, chew or swallow and has been in intensive care since he was seven weeks old.

His doctors had gone to the court to seek to withdraw ventilation. It was the first time a court had been asked to make a life-or-death ruling on a patient who was not in a persistent vegetative state. The doctors had argued that the boy's life was "intolerable". One said that he would lose his ability to open his eyelids, probably within the next few months and would have growing problems with heart rate and blood pressure.

The judge, while expressing his "great and genuine respect" for the medical team, said the pleasures the boy enjoyed outweighed the discomfort and distress he suffered every day.
They might have lost this one, but the fact that they even tried shows they are on the move and looking to expand the types of people they can murder. Last year it was Terri Schiavo. This year they attempted more, and were turned back. They'll be back. [continue reading...]