My Newz 'n Ideas

It is my intent to express my opinion and to discuss current events. Feel free to make suggestions to fields you would like to see covered, and I will consider them. Please leave your name with comments. Thank you. Arabic: عربي.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Promises Require Action

Abdul Rahman is a 41 year old Afghani man who converted from Islam, that oh so peaceful religion, to Christianity when he was 25. He has been a human rights advocate, and he has also been an aid worker.

He is now facing the death penalty, because he went back to his homeland of Afghanistan. President Bush called right away, then Secretary of State Rice spoke again to remind the Afghani government that their constitution demands his freedom.

I know people are wondering why President Bush doesn't do something. He did. He called. He did not hold a press conference about it to save Karsai some face. You claim you him to be more diplomatic. Okay, when he is you cry foul. So which is it?

We do not know what he said, but he can be very strongly persuasive. It was reported on Tuesday (I think), but I guess no one was listening. Now people are wondering why Sec. of State, and not the president, was calling. This is to send a second message that the whole USA government is unified against Afghanistan on this subject.

The Afghanistan people will not be allowed to persecute Christians. Especially if they want the whole damn world to be sensitive to their stupid cartoons.

Am I angry? You bet. At both the Afghanis and the people that demand so much from President Bush, yet do not pay attention when he does what they are begging him to do! The whole bunch of you who are not following this closely enough. Thanks, and have a nice day.

Michelle Malkin, a lady of great talent and compassion, has several articles on this issue: Save Abdul Rahman, "We Will Cut Him Into Little Pieces", Who Will Save Abdul Rahman, Video: "I am not an Apostate", Rally for Abdul Rahman, Canada Supports Abdul Rahman, and Free Abdul Rahman (Highly recommended as there is a rally today.) You have done a wonderful job, Michelle. Thank you.

More by Michelle: A Christian on Trial, Bush: "Deeply Troubled", (I may have some of these one the first time around), Condi Rice Calls Karzai, The Religion of Pieces and What are you praying for?.

I had written this article while searching for this artcle. It was written very late Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. I find it interesting that I have to go overseas to get news we should have available to us in order to be well informed. Hmm...dumbing down the masses?

I am now going to add some other fantastic articles about this situation: "The People Will Pull Him To Pieces", by Church and State; He Says Yes, by The A-Team Blog; Afghan Man Faces Execution After Converting to Christianity, by Don Singleton; Abdul Rahman must be freed!, by Tel-Chai Nation; CAIR's Phony Lip Service on Endangered Christian Abdul Rahman, by Debbie Schlussel; Hmm religion of PEACE or peices?, by Conservative Political Rants; It's Not Islamophobia When There Really Is Something To Fear:, by The Volokh Conspiracy; and Islamic reaction to Christian convert...Religion of Peace?, by The Pink Flamigo Bar & Grill.