My Newz 'n Ideas

It is my intent to express my opinion and to discuss current events. Feel free to make suggestions to fields you would like to see covered, and I will consider them. Please leave your name with comments. Thank you. Arabic: عربي.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Hello to my reader, lol

I have been doing a lot of research, but I am not yet ready to publish. I spent most of today trying to find a case that was adjudicated in 1989! I could not find it. Now I have made a huge mistake!

I usually wake up around 1 or 2 am. I go to sleep around 7 or 8 pm. Maybe! I have been pushing the limit, and now I went and ate! Do you know what that does to a person? well, let me tell ya. lol.

I am just like a baby. You want me to shut up? Feed me. You want me to go away? Feed me. Now I don't want anyone walking around with the wrong impression. I weigh about 105 lbs. Not bad, eh? That's from wearing all these pajamas! LOL.

BTW, did you hear Congress is looking into whether or not to allow bloggers to be reporters? Should bloggers have more expanded rights or less? LET YOUR CONGRESSPERSON KNOW! If I have to tell you why, nevermind. You are probably a Democrat! lol I'm only joking. To let them know to keep their grubby hands off our freedom! Have a goodnight everyone!