My Newz 'n Ideas

It is my intent to express my opinion and to discuss current events. Feel free to make suggestions to fields you would like to see covered, and I will consider them. Please leave your name with comments. Thank you. Arabic: عربي.

Monday, January 17, 2005

UN Report on Oil for Food Scandel

Here is the Oil for Food Audit. There are 18 pages in pdf form. Page 1 is an introduction. Page 2 is blank. Page 3 is a cover sheet. Page 4 is blank. Page 5 is an Executive Summary. In paragraph 3 on page 5 it reads:
In OIOS (3)' view, major-risk areas identified have a significant impact on operations and the use of resources, as discussed below. Appropriate procedures and internal controls had not been established to reduce or eliminate these risks.

The lack of an approved work plan, organizational structure and key performance indicators to assess PAMSD's (1) performance, as well as inadequate communication between PAMSD, the Executive Director's office and UNOHCI (no idea?) resulted in the Division not being able to completely fulfil its functions or adequately support field operations. This resulted in policy decisions being made that neither reflected the role of the Division nor the professional advice that PAMSD had given. While the Programme is coming to an end, specific issues that should have been resolved include: (read the pdf).

The implementation of major studies and operational guidelines, which could have served to strengthen field operations in Northern Iraq was not done in a timely manner resulting in delayed project outputs, desparate policies among UN agencies implementing the Programme and a risk to the reputation of the Organization. For example: (read the pdf)

The contingency plans prepared by PAMSD, outlining the various possible scenarios and actions required to protect the interest of the Organization, were not in the nature of detailed liquidation plans, incorporationg procedures on disposal of assets, transfer of Programme ouputs(sic), etc., exposing the Programme to the risk of financial losses and ineffient winding down of operations.

1. PAMSD=Programme Analysis, Monitoring and Support Division
2. OIP=Office of the Iraq Programme
3. OIOS=Office of Internal Oversight Services (Internal Audit Division)
Dated: 1/22/2003
Page 7 is a table of contents. Page 8 is an introduction. Nothing but boring information. This should be enough to keep you interested or brain dead! I am feeling ill, so I will sign sign off now. Have a great day.